You may create a recurring monthly contribution of up to $416. Individuals may contribute up to a maximum of $5,000 annually.

Recurring Contribution

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Personal Info

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Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

CFE-PAC Contribution

Recurring Contribution

Donation Total: $25.00 Monthly

Contribution Terms

Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The Consumer Financial Empowerment PAC may make contributions to federal candidates, which will be charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116. By contributing to the Consumer Financial Empowerment PAC, you certify that you are at least 18 years old and are making the contribution with your own personal funds- not those of another person or entity- and you are not a foreign national nor a federal contractor.